facility rules
- Baseball, workouts, hitting, catching and the use of the equipment contained inside and outside of Aces Team Spaces facility is and can be dangerous. Injuries including death can result from your participation in the activities offered at this location. Participants enter and participate in these activities at their own risk, and hold owners, coaches, players and parents harmless from any and all harm that might result from the same participation.
- Treat the facility and those inside it with respect at all times. This includes physical harm to people and equipment, intimidation, bullying and foul language. Anyone who is not upholding this rule will be asked to leave, regardless of time remaining in their rental, and will not receive a refund of any rental as a result of their removal.
- Leave facilities better than you found them! Return balls and equipment to the proper areas after use. Do not remove equipment from the facility at any time. Any equipment removed from a specific cage should be returned to the cage it was in prior to removing it.
- Aces Baseball provides all you need to run your practices. Indoor baseballs are for indoor use only. Outdoor baseballs are for outdoor use only, including bullpens. Please return all equipment to the locations where they started.
- If you are the last one to leave the cages, turn off the lights and lock all the doors when you leave.
- Report any violations of the rules immediately.
- This facility is under 24/7 video surveillance. This video will be used to prosecute or hold accountable those who damage the equipment or facilities or cause harm to another person(s). It will also be used to identify time violations and charge accordingly any overuse of the facilities that was not booked through the MySportSpace App.
- Please be respectful of others when it comes to your booking times. Arrive on time, start on time and finish on time. Hold team meetings in the coach's corner, front porch or bullpens area (when not in use).
- Owners of Aces Team Spaces reserve the right to refuse service to anyone, at any time, as well as, cancel memberships, without refund, for continual or repetitive violations of the rules. Owners, also reserve the right, from time to time, to change, or update the rules as they see fit in order to provide a better environment for everyone.
- Aces Team Spaces is meant to be a positive environment to learn in, coaches and older players are role models to those you teach or those who look up to you. Keep that in mind during training times.
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